1. Where are NPTC Group of Colleges job vacancies advertised?

All vacancies are advertised on the following websites: career.nptcgroup.ac.uk, Jobcentre Plus, fejobs.com, Adzuna, eteach.com and Educators Wales. We also circulate details of our vacancies on X: @NPTCJobs, Facebook: Jobs at NPTC Group of Colleges, LinkedIn: Jobs at NPTC Group of Colleges and Instagram: @jobs_nptcgroupofcolleges.

  1. Who can apply for NPTC Group of Colleges vacancies?

If you believe that you have the right qualifications skills experience and aptitude for the post, we would love to hear from you. If you are unsure, the job description and person specification will provide you with details of what we are looking for.

  1. Can I apply with my CV?

The College requires all applicants to complete an application form as this gives us the information about you and the other candidates in a consistent way. This helps us to ensure our process is fair. It also helps us to collect equality and diversity information regarding all of our candidates, to meet our statutory obligation and help us support candidates from all sectors of the community.

  1. Where can I get an application form?

You can apply online by clicking on the “Apply Now” button to the right of the post advertised.

  1. How long should my supporting statement be?

The supporting statement is arguably the trickiest part of the application process and it’s essential that you get it right.  This is your opportunity to sell yourself to the shortlisting panel.  It should be unique to you and tailored to the post that you are applying for.  You should use it to show off your skills, qualifications, and experiences.  Usually, it should be a minimum of one side of A4, equating to around 800 – 1000 words.  However, supporting statements will vary in length depending on the post that is being applied for.

  1. How long does shortlisting take place and how will I know if I have been shortlisted?

Once the vacancy has closed shortlisting normally takes place within two weeks. We will write to all candidates who have been shortlisted to invite them through to the next stage of the selection process. Applicants who are not shortlisted will be notified of this.

  1. I have been invited in for an interview, what do I need to bring with me on the day?

You will need to bring proof of identification such as your passport or birth certificate. You will also be required to bring original certificates of any qualifications that you have mentioned on your application form. We will also ask you to complete a disclosure statement as part of our safeguarding process. All of this will be outlined in your invitation letter.

  1. I cannot find my qualification certificates, what should I do?

If you have told us in your application form that you have a qualification, we are required to see the original certificate. You can contact the awarding body such as WJEC to apply for a replacement.

  1. I have been asked to give a presentation as part of the assessment, what facilities will be available?

If your assessment is taking place at any of our sites, an interactive board, Office (including PowerPoint), internet access and a projector will be available for you. However, if you require additional resources, please contact the Recruitment Team on 0330 818 8031, at least 48 hours prior to your assessment and we will make every effort to accommodate your requirements.

  1. What is the Education Workforce Council (EWC)?

The EWC is the independent regulator in Wales for Further Education and requires those who work in posts linked to teaching and learning, including work-based learning to be registered as an education practitioner. If you are successful with your application and the post you are applying for falls into this category, we will let you know and provide you with details of how you can register.

  1. Will I need a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check?

As an education provider, we require all our staff to have a satisfactory enhanced DBS check. If you are successful in your application, we will provide you with details of how you can apply. We also require all our staff to register with the Update Service. This makes your DBS check portable.

  1. I have been successful, when can I start?

The following are required before you commence your employment; right to work check; two satisfactory references, one of which must be from your current or most recent employer; a completed DBS application form with full supporting documentation and payment; confirmation of registration with the Education Workforce Council (EWC) if applicable and verification of all relevant original qualification certificates.

  1. NPTC Group of Colleges has multiple campuses, how will I know where the post is based?

The advert will tell you where the post is based.